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Lobster with suckling pig loin, confit porcini mushrooms and marjoram potatoes

Tempo: 90 minutes

Difficoltà: High difficulty

Lobster with suckling pig loin, confit porcini mushrooms and marjoram potatoes

The combination of lobster and suckling pig loin may seem like a risky one. However, we can assure you that the two flavours marry perfectly and create a unique combination.

In this dish, the delicate taste of the crustacean is enveloped by the intense aroma of confit porcini mushrooms and accompanied by thin petals of cured pork loin, a lean salami with a not too strong taste. The pork loin gives the lobster a touch of flavour, without overpowering the other flavours, but rather accompanying them and creating a pleasant contrast.

Here is the recipe for lobster with pork loin, porcini mushrooms and marjoram potatoes.

4 people

2 lobsters, 500 g each
400 g fresh porcini mushrooms
400 g fleshy potatoes (ratte or bintje varieties)
20 g parsley
1 organic lemon
10 g thyme
5 g marjoram
A few drops of very old red vinegar
1 cl traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena
30 g of tomato paste
5 cl Vermentino di Gallura wine
5 cloves of garlic
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 celery stalk
100 g of Janas Tomato and Basil Sauce
3 cl of Janas Extra Virgin Olive Oil
100 g of Janas suckling pig loin
salt and pepper to taste



Blanch the lobsters in plenty of salted water for 4 minutes. Remove the claws and cook for another 4 minutes, then remove the flesh from the shell, taking care to preserve the heads.


To prepare the confit porcini mushrooms, wash and clean them carefully without soaking them in water. Place them in an oven dish with parsley, thyme, a clove of garlic in its skin and 1 cl of extra virgin olive oil. Carefully cover the mushrooms with foil and bake them in the oven at 130° for 20 minutes. After this time, remove from the oven and leave to cool, covered.


Peel and clean the onion and celery, chop them finely and fry them in a little oil. Add the heads of the lobsters, break them up and toast them. Add the Vermentino wine and let it evaporate. Add the concentrate and the Janas tomato sauce and cook for 20 minutes. When cooked, strain the sauce through a fine-mesh strainer, add salt to taste and keep warm.


Clean and peel the potatoes and boil them in plenty of salted water. When the potatoes are cooked, break them up with a whisk and whisk in the oil. Add the marjoram and salt and pepper to taste, then keep warm.


Now take the lobster meat and brown it in a non-stick pan. Remove the porcini mushrooms from the cooking tray, taking care to keep them warm, and recover the cooking liquid. Add the balsamic vinegar, the lobster cooking liquid, a few drops of red vinegar and the extra virgin olive oil.


Squeeze the lemon and emulsify the juice with extra virgin olive oil. Dress the loin with the emulsion.


Now it is time to compose the dish: place the potatoes on the bottom, add the confit porcini caps, then add the lobster, the sliced and seasoned pork loin and season with the sauce.