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  • Storie di sardegna

La Sardegna è un'isola incantevole, ricca di tradizioni e cultura, e anche di una cucina che è un vero tripudio...

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  Se siete amanti dei dolci tradizionali della Sardegna, sicuramente conoscete già le seadas (anche chiamate sebadas, seattas, sevadas), realizzate...

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Un piatto gustosissimo che ha un posto d’onore nella cucina sarda, di cui trasmette il sapore unico
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Sardinian sausage is a dish with a long history and is also very popular outside the island. Born thanks to...

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Casu Marzu is one of the best known cheeses and at the same time one of the most discussed in the world
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Filu e ferro is one of the most representative distillates of Sardinia
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  Cheeses: one of the gastronomic excellences that make Italy famous throughout the world. Italy produces a large number of...

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Carnival is the merriest festival of the year, a period characterised by masks, dances, colours and parties. But there is...

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Fregula or fregola sarda, one of the treasures of traditional Sardinian cuisine. It is an ingredient in many delicious typical...

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La Sardegna, regione italiana dalle antiche origini, terra antica e incontaminata, vanta dell’incredibile posizione geografica, che sostiene l’alta qualità delle...

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La panificazione in Sardegna è un rito sacro, antico, che viene tramandato sin dalla notte dei tempi. Una tradizione che...

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If you have been to Sardinia at least once, you will certainly have had the opportunity to taste traditional Sardinian...

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Sardinian wines are one of the reasons why our island is so well known. It is not difficult to understand...

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Sardinia, an ancient land that still today, thanks to its good fortune of being very attached to its history, firmly...

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Vegetable or meat broth? Butter or extra virgin olive oil? Is it better to stir or avoid stirring? Which variety...

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Nonostante sia un’isola ben delimitata dal Mar Mediterraneo e lontana dalla terra ferma, la storia della Sardegna vede il passaggio...

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A salty taste, the scent of the sea and a colour ranging from gold to amber make Mullet roe a...

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Summer, holiday time... and Sardinia is always one of the most popular destinations. White sands, crystal-clear water, inland areas with...

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Carasau bread, the undisputed protagonist of the Sardinian diet, was the essential nourishment of the shepherds during the long journeys...

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  Sardinian honey is unique. The wide variety of Sardinian honeys is the natural result of the great wealth of...

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Culurgiònis, culurgiones, culurjònes, culirjiònis, culijònis, culurjònis, culurzònies: tanti nomi per una preziosa preparazione a base di patate tipica dell’area centro-orientale...

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Il cibo è storia e tradizione. Per lungo tempo la storia del popolo sardo si è intrecciata con la storia...

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This tuber has been highly appreciated since ancient times. In fact, in the mid-1500s, a treatise was dedicated to it,...

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Expanses of small lilac-coloured flowers and ruby-red threads moved by the wind: this is where the world's most precious spice,...

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