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Raspberry charlotte, fig jam and savoyards

Tempo: 40 minutes

Difficoltà: Medium difficulty

Raspberry charlotte, fig jam and savoyards

Raspberry Charlotte cake is a delicious and elegant-looking spoon cake. Made with savoyards and a light vanilla cream, this cake can be prepared in a cake pan or in small moulds for pretty single portions.

In our version, layers of cream are alternated with fig jam, with its strong flavour. The raspberries decorating the cake give it a fresh and slightly bitter note.

Our advice? Serve the raspberry Charlotte at the end of a meal or as a snack.

Here is how to prepare it:

4 people

0.5 litres of milk
100 gr of egg yolks (about 5)
140 gr of sugar
40 gr of corn starch
400 gr of whipped cream
200 g fresh raspberries
1 vanilla pod
The zests of 1 organic lemon
200 g of Janas fig jam
200 g of Janas Sardinian savoyards
Peppermint leaves



Bring the milk with the vanilla pod and lemon zest to the boil.


Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar, then add the cornstarch. Pour the boiling milk over the mixture and bring it to the boil. Cook the cream for 1 minute and allow it to cool.


When the cream is cold, add the cream, stirring from the bottom upwards in a circular motion.


Now line the sides of a cake pan or a single-portion mould with the ladyfingers. Fill half of the inside with the obtained cream, place a layer of fig jam on top, then cover with more cream up to the edge.


Put the cake back in the fridge and let it rest for at least 4 hours.


When it is time to serve the Charlotte cake (or the single-portion Charlotte cakes), decorate the surface with fresh raspberries and peppermint leaves.